Celebrating Mike!

Twenty two years ago on a Sunday morning as he made his way to church, the life of our church organist was changed forever by a car accident.  In the choir room, as we prepared to go out into the loft to begin our service, we heard sirens and we prayed for the people involved in whatever was happening.  We didn't know it was Mike, we only knew he was not in his place at the organ.  He suffered severe, life-threatening injuries, but God spared his life.  Through all these years, he had many challenges and he met them all with grace and determination with the support of his wife, Janet, and their children.  Mike was no longer able to be our organist, but he was involved in may other areas of our church life and ministries.  He sang in the choir and helped out at the food pantry and Vacation Bible School. He greeted everyone he met with a ready smile and a twinkle in his eye and he kept his sense of humor all these years.  So, today, we celebrated Mike's life and its impact on all who knew him with friends and family at FBC and he celebrated being whole again and being with Jesus and all who have gone before him in his life.  We will miss him, but we know that we will see him again----we look forward to that!

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