Do We Know Who We Are And What We Have?
We came together on a beautiful spring morning to worship and praise God, to lift up and encourage one another and to learn more about the spiritual armor of God that Paul wrote to the Ephesian church about and learn how to apply it to our lives as Christians today. We began our service with a congregational hymn. After the welcome by Pastor Wes, the choir, orchestra and all our talented accompanists presented an anthem with a very reassuring promise of God's continual presence and care for us entitled "Never Once". That was followed by more congregational songs, some of my favorites, in fact. Then it was time for Pastor Wes to direct our attention to Ephesians 6, particularly focusing on verse 17 where we are told to take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. Pastor Wes spent most of the time this week talking about the helmet of salvation and the protection and identity it provides for us as we put it on daily to help us as we battle our enemy who cannot steal our salvation, but wants to hinder us from sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in any way he can. Pastor Wes laid everything out very clearly and you should check out what he had to say on the Live-stream. Next week he will have more to say about the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. I'm really looking forward to that!......
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