A Lesson On The Grace Of God

It was a lovely Palm Sunday morning---not too hot or cold and not wet----that is slated to come later this week.  We gathered at FBC to join our hearts and voices in praise and worship to God for all that He has given us in the past, as we remember  the events of this final week of the earthly life of Jesus that culminated in the crucifixion, death, and burial and His resurrection in ultimate victory over death, sin and hell so that we could spend eternity in heaven with Him.  We began our service with a song from one of the drama presentations we did years ago that focused on the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, "Hosanna", which has become a song that the congregation is familiar with and could join us in the singing.  Matt welcomed the congregation and then we were blessed to witness three baptisms.  After that, the choir sang another song, "Hosanna To The King" followed by more songs in which the congregation joined us before Pastor Wes led us to open our Bibles to the book of Ephesians.  This book was not written to a single congregation of believers, but to encourage several churches in the area of Ephesus where it was easy to become discouraged and drawn away from following Christ. Paul reminded the believers in that area their hope and salvation was not because of anything they had done to deserve or earn God's favor------it was solely God's on-going grace to those who have accepted the gift of salvation through faith. I am excited to see what the rest of the book holds, because, if you watch the Live-stream, it sounds as though God's message to the Ephesians could be applied to our world and our lives today. .We also have a Good Friday service coming up.  Perhaps, I'll see you there.....

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