Palm Sunday Ushers in Holy Week

This is our last day at the farm for March. For some reason, I thought we’d read all day. Then we realized all that we still had to do. My sister washed the last of the laundry and scrubbed the floors. She gave her cabinet another coat of paint and cleaned the basement. Our BIL gathered up and put away everything outside. Hubby cleaned the bath and I had refrigerator and dishes duties. We all worked on our family genealogy for our Colorado BIL. We still have to get middle names and birth year for several nieces, nephews and their families. We came to town for 4:00 pm Mass. This is Palm/Passion Sunday weekend. It was cold and damp outside so we processed throughout the church. Everything was properly covered for Holy Week. We went to the little cafe close by that serves yummy homemade meals. I think we’ll be able to read when we get home. Have a peaceful Sunday. Be safe. Thanks for dropping by. “The week that changed the world continues to change our lives.” -

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