Our Day

We try to get all our tasks finished before our last day. I got up before sunrise to make the crew pumpkin cheesecake muffins. We decided to change all the bed linens today; that gave us four loads of laundry. We only have towels left for tomorrow. Everyone was responsible for their own grilled cheese lunch (Lenten Friday fare). My sister and hubby vacuumed all the levels. Then the men headed outside to mow the lawn for the first time this season. There is a lot of grassy area on this property. Our BIL took care of spring maintenance on their whole house generator. It gets a lot of use up here in these hills. It felt good to get all the jobs finished. My sister and I took a ride in the side by side while the men went four-wheeling. We were planning to get photos of the huge rock that fell off the side of the ridge and landed on the side of the road. Across from the rock, there is a huge place where the road has broken off the edge of the hill. The neighbor measured it. The “2-lane road” is only 10 feet wide now. And this is a state road. Someone with a bulldozer shoved the rock over the hill and put loose dirt in the slip with no reinforcement or caution sign; very dangerous situation. We saw some wildflowers in bloom but they should be more widespread and varied when we return in April. We stopped at another neighbor’s home and met her four month old adorable son. It is time to make dinner. Sending wishes for a fine weekend as we prepare for Holy Week. Stay safe. Thanks for the visit. "Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results.” — Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

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