
I've been reflecting on the different communities I am involved in, both within and without Pitlochry and how they interact

This morning I walked to Parkrun with FP whom I got to know through Inner Wheel and who told me about my yoga class as well as encouraged me to try Parkrun.  Some of the regulars at Parkrun are also members of the Tryst Walking group and others swim.  We walked back with JS who moved here from Glasgow and knows LauraMuir (JS says hello Laura).  

This afternoon I was helping at a concert on the Town Hall for which T is one of the organisers (and acts). It was great fun bringing together a local piper, local dance groups, Brownies and Rainbows and various musicians. Great fun.

  There is a second performance this evening which I will be heading out to shortly. More fun. In between times I also had a zoom chat with one of my Gaelic classmates - it’s nice to get the chance to get to know each other better as well as practicing Gaelic.

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