Spring ??

The daffodils may be coming out but it has felt distinctly unspring like today with frequent sleety showers. However I managed to walk up to Kinnaird and back for my u3a History meeting between the showers.  Our topic today was the history of dentistry - one of our members is a retired dentist - and it was really interesting hearing about ancient dentistry as well as changes at his time as a dentist. 

I also had a spring in step coming back as my results from An Cùrsa Inntrigidh came through.  I passed  which I am very pleased about.  I felt confident about the written element but found the oral harder to judge. The marks were accompanied by helpful feedback - although I now have to steel myself to listen to my conversation .  This means that I can now go on and do An Cùrsa Adhartais starting in August. This is at SCQF 7 (equivalent of 1st year) and so is a somewhat daunting prospect but quite a few people from my various classes are planning on doing it as well so I will be in good company. 

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