Cia mheud ?

I an now half-way through Ariene's 30 Day Flow Challenge having completed Day 15 today.  I am enjoying taking it slowly and combining it with my classes and the occasional yin practice. As I was warmed up I then decided to see how easy/difficult Tiger's Pose was this morning - I am pleased to report I was able to repeat yesterday's success. 

I then went over the sequence of steps from my Step Dance Class Video. It is really helpful being able to do this and figuring out how they relate to the beats/bars. 

After lunch I had a couple of books to collect to the library which I did on my way backs from a walk to see the new salmon counter display beside the fish ladder which has just gone live.  This includes a live video feed from inside the fish ladder which is fun but not as much a fun as the old viewing chamber.  

You will spot that that the answer to the question Cia mheud bradan (how many salmon) is (currently) zero. 

I had my second step dance class this evening. I found it really helful. We built on last weeks steps and were taught a couple more sequences. I now need to practice and practice but feel I have good foundation to build on. 

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