A Day At The Races

A fairly productive (for a change!) day today. Bike is booked in for its MOT next week, which gives me a couple of days to make sure it’s running properly and there is fuel in the tank and air in the tyres after being laid up all winter.
And, this afternoon, I finally ordered the new fence panels that we first looked at last June. But, gas mains being dug up all over Kendal last summer meant that delivery would have been tricky then. And, by the time those roadworks were finished, autumn storms were upon us and I didn’t fancy replacing panels in those conditions.
But it’s now officially Spring and Easter is just around the corner. So the panels have been ordered and will be delivered next week, with the aim of installing them over the Easter weekend.
For entertainment this evening, we went to Lancaster to see the play “Ladies Day.” The plot concerns four ladies, who work in a fish packing factory in Hull, and their day out to Royal Ascot when it was held in York. Very funny, but with touches of pathos as we find out more about each of the women and their back stories. It was well acted throughout by all concerned, and it was great to see many friends from Footlights, both on stage and in the audience.
It’s been a busy week all round so I’ll be glad of a couple of quiet nights in now!

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