Lean Into It

Second visit to Manchester in as many nights, this time with Stuart to see Mr Big on their farewell tour - my treat for his birthday. They were playing their breakthrough album in its entirety, and I took the photo during “Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy” also known as “The Electric Drill” song as guitarist Paul Gilbert uses a cordless drill to play notes far faster than could be done with fingers alone!
We were at the O2 Ritz, and it was absolutely rammed. Their music is pretty full on rock, though their biggest hit was “To Be With You” which was more of a ballad. An excellent - and very loud! - concert but, after four visits to Manchester in the last seven days, I think I’ve had my fill of the place for a little while. I’m glad to say that we’re going a little closer to home for tomorrow night’s entertainment.
Whilst Mr Big are not at the top of my favourite artists list, it was good to see them bowing out in such fine form.

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