Edinburgh by Night

It is some years since I have done night time photography, in fact not since the covid pandemic. I used to do it when I was attending Edinburgh Photography Society on a Wednesday Evening. However, since Covid my attendance has usually  been via Zoom,  which is quite convenient as I live about thirty miles away. However, there are some lectures that the society is only covering 'in person' basis as the lecturer has travelled some distance and last night was such an evening. I was using my compact camera on a tripod, a Sony RX100 which is not so easy when you are wanting to experiment with long exposure times but I persevered. The Edinburgh New Town cobbles always look great under night light and I was lucky enough to be photographing in the 'blue' early evening hour. This is a shot looking down Great King Street where the EPS has its headquarters. Lots of the shots were unusable because the traffic trails were too bright from cars approaching the camera but this one which is heavily cropped into envelope format just about works.

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