Abstract Thursday - natural abstract

I quite like the Thursday Abstract Challenge ( thanks Ingeborg ) but often struggle to get sufficient abstraction because my subjects  are often taken on my usual Thursday morning walk with the dog in Tyninghame Woods. Therefore most of the images are of organic matter. However, today's challenge of natural abstract should be just up my street. I am always struck by these storm blasted tree stumps. They are in fact dying organic matter as the trees came down over three years ago. But the twisted shapes speak to me of strength and dynamism showing how and why these trees has stood so long in our windy environment.

There were plenty of cones in this week's Mono Monday challenge - ice cream cones, traffic cones and even a Dalek but fewer pyramids but perhaps that is not surprising as we tend to associate those with ancient Egypt

Here are my picks of the week's :-

KeenKen - fits the bill perfectly
fotoperks - contains pyramids and cones (on the fir trees)
BlackTulip - whether it is conical or not it is a cracking image
BikerBear - brilliantly constructed in Photoshop

and my honourable mentions are :-

KangaZu - such an enigmatic smile
Carolina - at last the real McCoy
ninniex - looks scrumptious
c1aire - some lateral thinking here

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