When is a Brick not Brick...?

...when it's Insulbrick! From this website I quote the following: "Insulbrick was a fast, easy, inexpensive shingle-like way to cover vertical walls on the exterior of a property in the first half of the 20th century. It was generally used on the sides and backs of some homes before the 1950’s. Eventually, vinyl siding began to replace it, and then aluminum. Because of the brick pattern that was printed on it, from a distance it can resemble an old brick wall, but it is actually made of asphalt, and in texture and shape resembles a roof shingle. It can still be found on some Toronto homes and garages today".

Our son's house here has Insulbrick on its side wall, so it wasn't difficult to find for today's Wide Wednesday challenge by Bobsblips with the theme "Rock/Stone/Brick". Insulbrick does have certain disadvantages so at some stage our son may get it replaced although this would be quite a big job. Fortunately he's had no problem getting insurance for the house.

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