
By davidc

Happiness is...a cup of tea made the old way!

Today is the International Day of Happiness (not that the international - or even the national news, gives us much cause to be happy at the moment!). However it can be a good idea to "always look on the bright side of life" (when one can, anyway) and I suspect most of us - especially we Brits - have all found happiness in a good cup of tea at times. After all, what do we offer to friends who've just received bad news? - a nice cup of tea of course!

Tea bags are OK, but there's something special about spooning loose leaf tea into the pot, then pouring it into the cup through a strainer. So this photo started off as a photo of our silver-plated strainer with some tea leaves in it, before exposing it to a touch of Photoshop abuse.

Thanks as always to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.

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