Tiny Toes in a Big Sandal!

I was just pondering what to blip for Pinkhairedlady's Tiny Tuesday challenge when Grandson Paddy started trying on his Mum's sandals. Needless to say this prompted me to pick up the camera and grab my blip!

We've survived our two days in loco parentis: his Mum & Dad came back today, duly refreshed after their two days of peace so we can relax a bit more now.

The wonders of Zoom meant that I could join in our weekly camera club meeting back home (evening there, afternoon here in Toronto). It was the judging of our Mono Prints competition. I had 3 entries, two of which didn't do very well but one achieved 3rd place - see the extra: my Editor had come up with the title "Just pondering my next tweet" which the judge liked! It was actually taken in Taronga Zoo In Sydney  6 years ago.

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