'Snow' day

Not literal snow. But a day when nothing quite went to plan, and the resulting extra time at home was really very relaxing. I wouldn't want it to happen often, but sometimes an unexpected catch-up is really helpful, especially as I've been going through a patch of very poor sleep.
Marie and I had arranged to meet at 10 for a walk at Redmires, on the edge of Sheffield. But when we met in the car park, rain was bucketing down out of a heavy grey sky (extra). We were dressed for it, but neither of us really had the heart to face it and we retreated to a cafe  for a long catch-up over a hot drink. We also exchanged birthday presents: we'll both have our 70th birthdays tomorrow, a date also shared with Eben, who will be 8.
At some point during our chat a WhatsApp message arrived from Jack and Marianna, letting me know that they'd had to pick Frieda up from preschool - she had all the signs of either measles or scarlet fever.  Later the GP confirmed scarlet fever. As this is highly contagious until 24 hours after the first dose of antibiotics, my arrangement to look after Frieda this afternoon went by the board.
So I went home, had lunch and did some gardening (main - one of several snakeshead fritillaries I discovered by the cherry tree, where I hadn't expected any to survive death-by-squirrel).  Then I went to bed for an hour.  This still left ample time to tweak my preparation for tonight's Greek class, the last one of this term.

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