Come in number 14...

My conscientious GP, bless her, has referred me for some blood tests and a chest x-ray. I am enormously grateful for this; once upon a time I'd have taken this routine stuff for granted, but not any more.
The local hospital runs drop-in clinics for both, so by 7.50 this morning I was in there, determined to avoid the long queues that can build up during the day.  
As ever, I got fascinated by the sights and sounds: I could really have done without Greatest Hits Radio at that time in the morning, but the assortment of notices on the walls was interesting, including those pinned too high up to read... Later, in the x-ray changing room/cubicle, the most interesting thing on the wall was an A4 notice, complete with illustrations, demonstrating the use of a 2p piece to help radiographers in estimating the relative size of items on an x-ray. Odd reading matter for the waiting patient, in the familiar printed NHS backless cotton gown, though very interesting.
All was done and dusted within an hour: wonderful. Now to wait for the results.
Otherwise, otherwise... even the BBC, this evening, was reporting references to "the use of starvation as a weapon of war" in Gaza.  There are many Jewish voices being raised against this, along with the UN, Medical Aid for Palestinians and others.  How long till those voices break through strongly enough..... ?

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