Easter decorations

It looks like this household not far from ours is rather excited about Easter. I snapped my shot on the way to the gym this morning.

It's been a bit of a run-of-the-mill Wednesday for me today with a trip to the gym this morning and work in my study this afternoon. Between these two activities I sorted through a big bag of (mainly) Mummy hazelh's clothes that Mr hazelh brought back from Northumberland last night. A few items went straight into the bin, and a couple to the mending pile. The rest are either now in the laundry basket or in Mummy hazelh's bedroom. 

The biggest surprise amongst the clothes was a beautiful Tessuti scarf that I gave to Mummy hazelh for Christmas about three decades ago. At the time Fiona McIntosh was struggling to earn enough as a textile designer, so she supplemented her income with cleaning jobs, and we were one of our clients. We have never had such a glamorous cleaning lady, before or since!

Mr hazelh has had a much more interesting day. One of his father's first cousins has died without leaving a will. His solicitors are now trying to trace all possible heirs to arrange for them to receive an inheritance. We get the impression that whatever would have been left to Mr hazelh's father will be divided between him and his sisters. (I doubt that the dead cousin will have been a multimillionaire...)

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike, aquafit class, swim (20 lengths), strength training class, walking (~12k steps).

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