MonoMonday: "Cone or Pyramid"

For the second week running I've resorted to using one of Grandson Paddy's toys for Stujphotos's MM challenge - this was the best I could come up with for "cone or pyramid". Of course I waited until Paddy was at Day Care, or he'd have been demolishing the tower before I could get past the 3rd stage!

We're surviving being in loco parentis until tomorrow with only one mini hiccup when Paddy fell and banged his head just before we set off to take him to Day Care this morning - fortunately no serious damage was done. And we've managed to avoid him and Granddog Oona coming to blows (just!) - they love each other really but "sibling rivalry" is impossible to avoid completely!

A highlight of the day was being invited by the staff to go to pick him up at Day Care early so that we could read to all the children: we took some of Paddy's favourite books.

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