Story Time with Gran

We're in charge of Grandson Paddy & Granddog Oona from today until Tuesday, while their Mum & Dad have a well-earned rest at a spa hotel to recharge their batteries. So it's been quite an active day for us, but great fun - and as I write this (8.40pm) all is quiet. As Paddy goes to Day Care on weekdays I think we'll cope until Tuesday evening!

Paddy loves having books read to him, although he often likes to have 2 or 3 on the go at once - as you can see here he's pointing at one with his left hand but has another ready in his right. It keeps us on our toes. And Oona is pretending to be asleep next to them but in fact she's alert and making sure we do everything right - so really she's in charge...with Elephant keeping a watchful eye too!  ;-))

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