Songs In The Key Of Life

Does anyone remember the album cover?

The roses needed more water again this morning (the vase was as near as empty) They are thirsty devils.
Although the Jasmine smells wonderful, the roses are more photogenic .... so I photographed them again. The Yellow ones seemed to cope better with the bright sun coming through the window.
It might have been sunny, but it was flipping freezing.

The SIL was looking for a favour.
He builds large Lego models and likes to display the biggest of them.
His newest one is a Saturn V rocket.
In short he wanted a stand for it which will be hidden by artificial (internally lit) smoke and flames to give the effect of 'lift-off'.
It sounded very complex on the phone, but was actually very simple....a wee bit of cutting on the bandsaw, a wee bit of sanding on the belt-sander and a wee bit of turning and a single screw. Job done.
He was delighted with the result.
It is now down to him to get the flames & smoke right.

Batteries were bought for the moisture meter. It now works again.

I had great plans for some turning, but having frozen in just a few minutes before lunch, my heart really wasn't in it ..... so I didn't do any - just had a very lazy time ...... and watched the tail end of the Scotland/Ireland rugby match. Very tense.

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