Nameless (so far)

There was a bit of shopping done this morning.
There were only 3 items on the list - we bought a load more.
Unfortunately I didn't know I needed new batteries for my moisture meter at the time (guess what I will be doing tomorrow).

We called into the local branch of the company where we bought my currently non functioning chair from.
They were of no help (which is probably why we went to a different shop to buy the chair in the first place) the have no access to spares or engineers ... they simply buy the furniture (normally from overseas) and sell them.
I suspect that the shops are franchised, but will try the shop I bought it from but don't hold out much hope. Not knowing if it is the power pack or the motor that has popped is going to make it more awkward to get it fixed.

SWMBO was out for lunch/afternoon tea with her sisters so I spent the afternoon in the garage whilst it teemed down.

I felt sorry for the guy working on next doors car - even though he had a very substantial awning/tent over it. Somebody had hit the tail end in a car week a couple of weeks ago and was good enough to just drive off without leaving any details. Her insurance was going to skyrocket if they paid for the damage (a cracked rear valance basically) due to her non claims discount being removed. Mercedes were talking £2500!!!!!!
I don't know how much this guy charged but I can guarantee it was the cheapest option. He was under the awning for about 3 to 3 1/2hours and you could see nothing! It looked like a brand new part had been fitted. He got 10/10 from me as well as the neighbours.

My work was definitely not up to his standard.
I think I overdid the depth of hollowing out of a vase I was trying to make. My tools were either too short or too big and heavy to get inside the narrow(ish) neck to hollow it properly.
I also finished off the Gonk but haven't come up with a name (if one is actually  required).
 I also made a Yew pot.

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