Beautiful blossom

These cherry trees are not far from home and I try to catch them at their best every year. They are spectacular - my photos don't do them justice.
Extra is a close up of some of the blossom.
I had a look at them on my way to replace a geocache of mine that had gone missing and stopped again on my return journey. I thought I may as well combine my walk with a bit of cache maintenance today.
On the way back I stopped to talk to a lady nearby who was mowing her lawn and we were chatting for ages. The only thing that stopped us was when it started to rain.
I'd pegged the washing out and I was disappointed it had started to rain (although it was only light at this stage) because I can't rush to get home due to breathlessness and Terry can't bring it in as he is not that far into his rehab yet.
Fortunately it was still only very light rain (spitting really) when I reached home and I got it all in before it got much on it - it had dried a lot due to it being windy. The rain came down heavier after it was all in despite a forecast of a dry day.
Terry is doing more walking without any crutches and hasn't used two together for some time now. It was a shame we couldn't get him out for a walk today - he needs an outside walk - he will need both crutches for outdoors at present. Maybe we'll get him out walking tomorrow.

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