I have a load more of Santa Montefiore's books now. All these I bought online as used books except for the newest one, Shadows in the Moonlight, which I've just started at teatime.
Did some bits outside today, pegged out some washing, swept up hedgehog poo but the main job was scraping moss and weeds off the tarmac at the front of our house. It builds up and looks unsightly then spreads to our wall if we don't keep on top of it. There is a little grid to the water supply tap outside of our property ie mid footpath and it had disappeared due to the council not maintaining the pavements and grass verges properly. It was completely grown over with grass and weeds so you wouldn't have been able to tell it was there - fortunately I knew it was there so I thought I had better scrape away the growth but I had to dig up some of it as it had become part of the extending grass verge - it was that bad. Everything looked much better afterwards but the grass verge has spread past its boundaries so I might tackle that another day since the council is not likely to do it.
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