Cherry in front garden

It's starting to open its flowers. 
We had a walk planned today - Terry's first outside walk since he had the hip replacement. We've tried a few times but it has kept raining and today's forecast was for it to be fine. We were just getting ready to go when guess what? Yup. Rain.
Tomorrow I am set to meet my daughter at RHS Bridgewater so his walk won't be before Tuesday - however, on checking the forecast, apart from tomorrow it's set to rain all week. 
I'm not sure it will rain all week. It often rains when it is not forecast and often does  not rain when it is. I am not sure they get it right very often!
We were watching GB News late morning today and the forecast came on. It was for yesterday! I thought I was going barmy - I was sure it was Sunday yet it said Saturday and then he did the forecast for tomorrow (Sunday) which was today!
On that note, I will end this.

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