Tree Management

We were out early to set up the Parkrun Course and left when the volunteers began arriving so that we could call in for petrol and nibbles ahead of a tree management session in St Ives.

The trees on this side of the Estate were felled first and new trees planted five years ago.  Since then there has been self seeding, particularly of the birches, and significant growth of bracken and thorns.  Today it was time to remove the plastic guards which have protected the new trees from the local deer and rabbits.  It proved to be a very physical task wading through the dead bracken and those long, nasty thorns on the slope.  A small percentage of the ones in our section had not taken or had rotted off at the ground but, in contrast, others were already several metres tall and had to be cut out of their guards.

It was a good turnout of volunteers and the estimate was 400 trees released from the guards and another unknown number divested of their spiral covers.  Once all the guards were brought back to base, they had to be dismantled and packed away for transport.  It had been a great morning out in the sunshine and warmth but I was ready to turn for home at the close and we are now ensconced on the settee watching the rugby.

Can you spot WilsdenWalker?

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