
A busy old day.  Our Club organised an orienteering event around Sherburn in Elmet to attract newcomers and Tony and I were managing registration before running ourselves.  A local runner, Ben, came to have a go just as I was getting ready to go out so I took him through the start procedure and then we did the first few controls together before he felt confident enough to go solo.  We kept coming across each other around the course as I guess I was navigating more accurately whilst he had the speed.  At one point I ran through a housing estate where there were two teenagers, one hanging out of the window above.  He said to me, 'Wafer or Kitkat?' I said, 'Tunnocks please' at which point he dropped the biscuit down to me, I thanked him and continued my run!  Very kind and quite funny.  Quite a few locals were out and about and interested in the event and some came along to have a go.

With it being an afternoon event we were late home so my blip is taken through the car window dropping down from Harewood  as we drove home.

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