Wendy's World

By Wendles56

The Jolly Jerseys

I head for home tomorrow so we had a quieter day today. P took the bus into Hamilton to work out on the climbing walls whilst J and I drove to Strathaven for a walk to Nether Lethame Farm to have a cuppa with the Jolly Jerseys.  I’ve blipped these cows before in their automated milking barn.  They wander in when ready to be milked, eat some hay then, when ready, they take themselves into the milking machine where they receive personalised supplements whilst being milked, after which they head back out into the field.

Last visit the robot slurry collector was in operation, today it’s the robot which pushes their hay back towards them.

After our cuppas we completed our circuit back to Strathaven and drove to Hamilton to meet P at the climbing wall before staying in the town for dinner.

It’s been a smashing few days catching up with them.

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