
By HeartFreek

Fluffy Legs is Home

What a lovely sleep that was last night!!!!!

So, I love a coffee first thing in the morning from my Tassimo machine. I only have 1. 

But I couldn't taste it!!! So you know what that means don't you!!!

I waited for our Shi* Mates to go and did a covid test. As positive as it comes!!!

No wonder I was feeling so rubbish. And I guess it's not surprising after being in such close proximity to so many people for so long and maybe being outside for an hour in minus temperatures watching the northern lights didn't really help.

It meant I couldn't go with Mr W to collect Bella from Lady Linda's who has kindly looked after her for 2 while weeks. I was looking forward to seeing her excitement!

Instead I went to bed for a while after loading up the kiln. 

Daughter Number 2 out out a request for someone to look after Jasper as she had tonsillitis!!! I felt bad for having to say no but to my utter shock, her dad and Sam stepped up and took Jasper out for the day. Now that's a 1st!!!!

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