
By HeartFreek

Farewell Hertigruten

Well last night was interesting.

We were warned over the tannoy last night to place any valuable or moveable items on the floor as they were expecting 4 metre waves so the journey was going to be pretty choppy from about 2am.

So, I spent the night with a temperature, a heavily rising and falling ship, trying to find paracetamol, listening to everything in the room and bathroom crashing about, eating a pear to ease a horrid taste in my mouth, watching the sea crash against the window and wondering if I was going to be sick or not hoping I would be well enough to get packed up on the morning ready to check out the cabin at 10am!! 

Mr W woke up to the contents of my hair and purse in his bed. Even he thought he might need a travel sickness pills but at least he slept. 

We did manage to get packed up. I managed a croissant for breakfast and just chilled for the rest of the day, dosed up with numerous medications. Each time we passed through open water the ship was bobbing but settled once we passed between islands. We were banned from going out on deck by the captain as it was too windy. (Who in their right mind would want to go out anyway!!!!) and he announced we were running an hour late due to the 8 metre high waves last night!!!!! He actually missed out a port to try and make up time.

We arrived back in Bergen on time in the end where our coach was waiting for us and we arrived at the airport with 3 hours to spare. 

I still felt pretty rubbish with zero appetite but managed to sleep on the plane. It's amazing how quickly your journey passes when you sleep!!!

It felt good to be home at last. My ears still felt like they needed to pop and I still feel like I'm on a ship but getting into a comfortable bed was bliss!!!

Our Ship Mates stayed another night as we didn't get in till 10ish. 

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