TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

12/03/2024_As one door closes

A window doesn’t always open for you.

Been missing here and that’s what it has felt like recently.
We knew mum and dad were frail but coping.
Then a week ago (Tuesday 5th) mum phoned to say my dad was in bed barely moving – given that he has survived 5 years after his lung cancer diagnosis I feared the worst but when the paramedics came it was a severe chest infection and very low blood pressure so off to hospital – mum hadn’t called 999 because he’d asked her not to!!
36 hours later after IV drips he was home as if nothing had happened.
So, me and my sister relaxed a bit.
6:50am on Friday (8th) dad phoned to say mum had been taken to hospital by the paramedics because she had collapsed and they deemed it unsafe to leave her at home.  She’s been having physio in hospital and today she’s come out with a full care package and more medication.
The door in the photo is a follow on from 26 January – they now close so I can finish varnishing (especially the inset at the bottom) and removing the film from the right hand side.

Not too sure Kassie is impressed.

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