
Nighttime wildlife video.
Badger comes face to face with Cat Chunky Marmalade & runs away but comes back with reinforcements.

My adventure yesterday was a little drive.
The cafe I go to only usually has only a few people.
But yesterday was absolutely packed, only standing room.
I grabbed a reserved table, and joined the queue.
But the queue was rude and I got jostled out of place twice, with people pushing in front of me.
I would have left the premises, but there were so many people I was trapped so to speak.
I got a bowl of scouse.
But all it was a meagre bowl of 2 small pieces of potato, and about 4 maybe 5 small chunks of meat and gravy. No onion. No carrots.
The lady forgot to give me a spoon, so I used my teaspoon...
I did ask aloud at one point, where did all these people come from?
Their 'leader' came up to me, and politely told me that that this was his photography group of students (they were in their 20's & 30's), and they had all been invited by the Estate to take photographs and submit them to the estate. He was polite and we engaged in some conversation.

Some elderly couples who I see there each time I go, and they drive there in their cars, opened the door, took one look, and left quickly. The photography group did have their own room at the back where some of them took their purchased food and drink from the cafe.

I left, but not before I did half a dozen drawings of the photography group in the SketchClubApp.

I did a few more sketches of outside...
But first here is one of the students, in SketchClubApp.
I was trying out keeping the digital pen (I have a pink foam hair roller on the barrel to enable me grip it with my arthritis) on the screen the entire sketch without lifting it. I didn't time myself but it was less than 60 secs.

I won't be returning, it has gone far too expensive for the quality of food they provide....

I was shattered when I got home. That many people, and being pushed aside in the queue, and me stuck in that crowd drained me, so I went to bed...

Cantankerous batty old lady signing out...

Have your best day...mine does not include people...


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