
Nighttime wildlife video
Fox snarls & warns Badger then Badger takes his frustrations out on back of swing

This is Pa Badger, it was Foxy Loxy that warned him. Pa Badger went to back of swing and is trying to break or chew through all the ropes that tie on the cloths to the swing. Pa Badger is also pulling the cloths through from the slats at the back of the swing, and they end up trailing on the ground getting sopping wet. Pa Badger also pulls through and chews up the Amazon cardboard packaging that I pad the swing with to try and keep the cats warm in cold weather...

Many of my video clips each night are of this swing apparently rocking by itself...

Creative is a photo of Japonica which I planted 20 years ago all round my garden,,,...

Time for a cuppa tea.

Have your best day.

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