
By gennepher

People Watching

I have had problems the last few days ordering my prescription online. I have wasted hours of my time...
Logging into the NHS Wales app was a nightmare. You have to go through the NHS England app first before you are allowed to enter the NHS Wales NHS app. It would not let me in . I tried various ideas on different browsers tried getting in on the web but it wanted me to go to the app. In varying degrees it let me in. One wanted ID, one did not, one wanted my driving license but that was only needed when you first joined so I did not do that, then I was finally directed me to a different Wales app which is now defunct and does not work with my surgery. Something is badly wrong with the NHS software at the moment.

So I grabbed a paper prescription, went down to the pharmacy explained to the assistant girl there what was going on, I was not on the system so she said she'd put my paper prescription through immediately. And that was the best I could do. I'll check it on Tuesday because it should be on the system by then.

But then my adventure started.... I called in the local shop before going home, and when I came out, someone very firmly put their hand on my back. I thought that was odd so I turned round and there was an older woman than me who said she wanted to ask about my three wheel walker, I used. It has a seat on it and that's what she said she wanted to ask about because she wanted one. Well, I had to say sorry but I've had this for about 35 years now and I don't think the shop exists anymore where I bought it from. We talked awhile and she kept saying that her grandson had let her down because he was supposed to have lunch with her and she didn't like eating on her own. She said this several times in the course of the conversation. As much as I like to take people on face value, I am on the alert a little in this case. Then she suddenly said would you have lunch with me? I don't like eating on my own and my grandson's let me down. I said yes, and we went to Wetherspoons. She told me to sit down and she would order the food. I wanted to pay my share and she said no, so I went to the counter with her. Imagine my surprise when it came to pay the bill she pushed her sleeve up and she had the state of the art square watch which looked like it had more functions than my phone. And she just paid for the meal with that. She took the bartender by surprise as well with that watch.

Anyway, we talked through lunch. It was fish and chips, and the fish was very nice. There was at least some fish between the batter! I still felt there was some discrepancies, but I didn't know exactly what. She was very well dressed, expensive, and had some expensive jewellery on. But her clothes and jewellery were understated. She said she was 80 years old. She did ask some questions but I answered a bit vaguely. didn't give any personal information away. She kept talking about her grandson had let her down. Her phone went a few times and and she said it was her daughter or another time she said it was someone else, and I had a feeling someone was checking up on her periodically, and I wondered if her watch was some kind of location thing as well so that her family could keep a subtle eye on her?

But we had a pleasant time talking.

I was trying to make sure on the way back to my car, that I left her before I got to my car, but she made that very difficult. And she ended up walking back to my car with me. We talked a bit more. I couldn't tell if she was lonely or what it was. Anyway, before we parted, I gave her a massive big humongous hug. I am not a huggy person. But it seemed as though she could do with one. She was highly delighted. And she said she was moving in a few days and so we probably wouldn't see each other again. And then she just vanished, I turned around and she's gone.

I just wondered what you would make of that interaction? I was somewhere I would never have been at that time of day because of getting that prescription in before the pharmacy closed for lunch...

Creative... me people watching again. Drawing on my phone in a sketch app with my finger, the person I see walking...

I was very tired when I got back and I slept on the couch for a few hours. I have missed lots of my eyedrops today because I was asleep. I was out when I did not expect to be. I will be at home tomorrow I am not going out tomorrow. No people day... I am having a no people day.

Take care, sweet dreams...

Night night ...

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