They've arrived

Several people have asked if we have siskins visiting our bird feeders.  Well, now we have.

I'd not seen any before, but today, as we were relaxing with a cuppa after putting up more wall decorations, I commented to W that there was a very yellow bird on the feeder.  He flew off shortly after, but returned, and allowed me to grab some photos - not great quality, but hey!  Hopefully, now they've found us, they'll become regular visitors - they are a rather wonderful colour.

The day was spent creating further order in the house - we now have some stuff on the walls in the garden room.  And we've cleared the dining room of all the assorted boxes and bits (some still to be sorted, some awaiting a trip to a charity shop).  We still have some pictures to put up in there - sometime in the next couple of days.

This evening, we've been back into Waterford for yet another chamber music concert - this time, a string quartet.  Very enjoyable music.

Now W is baking rusks, and setting off the breadmaker for an overnight bake.  I'm supping a gin and munching nuts!

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