Day out

Back blipping on Tuesday afternoon.

Just before we left Galway, W had a phone call from the eye department - he was referred for cataract surgery.  Offered appointment either in Kildare or Waterford - Waterford is much closer to our new home, but the appointment in Waterford would have been at 0800, whereas the appointment in Kildare was at 1020.  Still involved a relatively early start, but less so.  And he could be referred on to Waterford for subsequent appointments.

So a 90 minute drive to Clane in Kildare.  And look what was next door to the hospital, Hazel!

I dropped W off at the hospital, enjoyed a leisurely coffee and pastry, and collected him a couple of hours later.

Then we drove back, stopping off for a meal en route.

No time spent at the new house, but we did achieve a couple of admin items - I successfully insured the house, and we did a bit more research on the fridge freezer - found one in particular that suited our requirements. The sales lady at Electrocity is due to ring us back on Wednesday, and although they didn't appear to carry this particular model, we're hoping she might be able to source it.

By the time we'd done all this, I'd run out of energy to blip.

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