A Load of !

Thankfully Ruth's appointment in London was anything but.

After a speedy train journey to Euston it was a gentle twenty minute walk to the autonomic unit at UCLH, just around the corner from Great Ormond Street.  Birmingham had been sunny, London was overcast and grey, the massive old buildings, towering over us in that part of the city, making me feel very small.  The Doctor we saw was patient and very thorough in her assessment and the bones of a plan for future investigations at UCLH and possible OT/Physio work nearer home were discussed.   A holistic approach to a complex problem, just about as good as we could have realistically wished for.   No quick fixes but the prospect of better understanding and management of her health in future.

The appointment was twice as long as we had expected and with a further delay while travel expenses were claimed (hooray - on the day and no stress) we were later back than expected.   Jamie has been a lifesaver looking after Meg and Timmy, Bella too, while we were gone.  Now, humans and animals suitably fed, I think we should all sleep well tonight.

The Bull.  It featured in the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games and was rescued from being scrapped when a plan was hatched to install it at New Street Station.   The 10 meter creation was designed as a homage to the city's part in the Industrial Revolution.   More info in this link

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