Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


I was up and out this morning to head over to our GP practice for the next step in my medical MOT - time for a smear test. Apparently you don't usually get them after you are 64, I'm 70 this year, but for some reason am having one. Can't be a bad thing but it never gets any more dignified. My mammogram and poo test have all come back clear so that and the fact I don't have glaucoma, retinal damage or cataracts is all good. Just the teeth and this smear to go now.
I try to go early to the Surgery as it is by the Water of Leith and I find it very calming and relaxing watching the water and the various birds. Today I was charmed but the sound of this Dipper singing its heart out. There were goosander, mallards and white doves in evidence too, as well as a couple of moorhens. It was a beautiful bright sunny morning.
After the Doctor's , I continued to Ali's. She's trying to repair some of the damage to their garden from the time their extension was put in. They have some slabs to lay in front of the doorway and are going to try to reseed the area of lawn. With a dog and a two year old I'm not sure how well that will go. They may end up using turf, that will be more expensive albeit quicker. Talking of the two year old, Josie fell on her way home from nursery and has grazed her face and cut her lip. She looks very sorry for herself.
The extra shows Ali working away trying to get rid of the moss and the daisies. Bonnie was in her bouncy chair in the garden, watching and singing to herself.

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