After the Rain

Surprisingly, we had no sore muscles after yesterday’s gardening. Guess I am more active than I realize. We took it much easier today since it rained off and on. We had our semiannual home heating system cleaning. Received all good news. Those two loads of laundry are now washed, dried, folded and put away. Hubby and I packed for our upcoming trips. I found two casserole recipes for WV that we will make in April and May. It’s always nice to try new easy meals at the farm. I made burgers for lunch which is unusual-we typically go to a burger restaurant. They were quite tasty and filling. No need for another big meal. Hubby is shopping for food for Chase this weekend, for our contribution to Parker’s 16th birthday party on Sunday and our normal staples. Spring brings our family birthday partying season. That was about it for work. In between the rain showers, I went out to photograph the first blooming daffodils. I should have blip material until next winter now. Yippee! I believe it is Kindle time! Hope your Tuesday was cheerful. Stay safe. Thanks for the visit. “Picasso said that no one has to explain a daffodil. Good design is understandable to virtually everybody. You never have to ask why.” — Hugh Newell Jacobsen

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