And So It Begins

My biggest job of the day was to wash a load of clothes. They are still in the hamper. After breakfast, I cleaned the kitchen. Hubby found a campground and booked it for 27 June till 1July. It is not far from the lacrosse fields. He’s found churches for Mass in each town we’ll visit this summer. Thought I’d go out to look for blooming daffodils for my blip before it started to rain. The temperature was so balmy that I decided to get rid of the spent flower stalks in the flower bed in front of the driveway. Hubby came out and we found more spring clean up needed at every turn. His biggest task was getting all the butterfly bush branches off of the bird feeder patio. The birds used that tall pile to hide from danger and bad weather all winter. But it makes a terrible mess and dead leaves and birdseed hulls pile up under it. At 4:00 pm, hubby said he was “blowing the whistle”. Neither of us had any work left in us. But we made tremendous progress outside today. And the rain still has not started. Renee sent some of her lemon chicken pasta with us yesterday after the party. What a welcome treat - no need to cook dinner. We showered, ate our meal and hit the recliners. Sure hope we can get out of the bed tomorrow. Exceeded our step goals for sure. Hope your day was as productive. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by.
“We learn from our gardens to deal with the most urgent question of the time: How much is enough?” – Wendell Berry

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