
When I saw this jigsaw ( https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/3203536642832860550 ) that NannaK had, I was fascinated. I immediately looked to see if I could find it, well I did, but in the end I bought this one. I have loved doing it, following all the different quilts.

Gee’s Bend Quilts
I have admired these quilts since I first heard about them, then a few years ago I saw an exhibition of lots of them, possibly in Alsace - stunning pieces of work. I’m pretty sure I have a book about them.

NannaK knows more about them than I do and, if you follow her link on the post, you can find out more. Basically they are quilts made by the women of Gee’s Bend, a small community in Alabama where the people are mostly descendants of slaves. These Quiltmakers are highly creative and have produced some masterpieces of art, beautiful works of colour and form . . . and they are still doing so.

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