
Empty boxes - with the emphasis on ‘empty’. This morning these boxes, and many, many more, were piled high with books. I can’t believe how many we accumulated once we got started with clearing out. Thank you to everyone who gave advice on how to get rid of them - some really helpful ideas and information.

In the end we realised that Oxfam was the place to go. Yesterday, as he had to go into Carlisle, Gordon took a box to the Oxfam Bookshop. They were very happy and said they would take and use all that we had. They even offered to pick them up and this morning a great guy arrived and took the lot. He had other places to go so obviously this is the most efficient way of getting books in.

Not one book came off my fiction shelves!!

Thank you also for the terrific response to my murmuration post - it was so nice to be able to share such a wonderful experience with everyone.

We are now off to see the starlings again . . .

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