Place: Largo, FL 63/77
Main activity: Sat - around the house, cooking
Notes: Awake quite a few times but then slept till ~730a and felt quite late. Intended to throw a dark load in first thing but never happened. Had coffee and online for awhile then started to prep some of the foods for the meal I wanted to prepare. The loose-leaf (with stems) spinach was quite dirty so that took a lot longer to wash, spin, measure out. I rinsed the rice also and got out ingredients for both parts: seasoned lamb bowl w/ spinach over turmeric rice w/ onion and garlic. Talked to Nancy a bit while I was doing the spinach and then just kept putting everything together and went ahead and cooked it since it was after 1p already. Added tomato and feta over the whole mixture - is quite good and lots leftover! Took some of the Chosen avo mayo over to Eric and Linda mid afternoon for them to try and then showered. Online then until 6p and streamed shows the rest of the night.

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