Place: Largo, FL 68/72
Main activity: Sun - swim, around the house
Notes: Woke in the dark to booming thunderstorm around 430-5a. Had the bike ready but knew there could be rain so waited until a little after 7a and went to swim - did 60 laps the quick shower at the pool. Saw the cactus across the street has some dark pink buds coming out. Did a dark load of laundry, watched the CBS Sun Show - it's just so awful anymore. Mostly a nothing day, juiced 1/2 grapefruit, made eggs with avocado and sauteed zucchini (and steamed the rest of the broccoli that was in the fridge but saved) and toasted half a croissant. Talked to Jo late afternoon, was feeling pretty negative, and then did a new Lorie Ladd meditation from Jo. Showered off and streamed some shows before bed.

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