Place: Largo, FL 62/80
Main activity: Fri - errands, pool, relaxing, untethered
Notes: Woke early and for the first time in 3 months, I don't have to worry about peak electric charges for 5 unbelievable hours in the morning (and makes absolutely no sense). So I got up and was online a bit. Got coffee stuff ready but then decided to run out first and get that done - Walmart for a couple little things and the UPS Store to return the 2 tees that are nowhere near 100% cotton like they claimed to be. Had coffee when I returned and around 11a-ish, decided to go the pool and read for a bit. Mostly cloudy much of the day but did get in a bit of light, warm and sun codes. These beautiful blooming hibiscus I noticed on my walk back. Tried a new keto pizza crust w/ collagen protein powder and eggs whites - turned out ok, light and airy but held together decently, a little watery unless that was sauce I put on top. Around 320p, I jumped on Zoom w/ Jo until 6p. (And uggggh, we've already hit 80.)

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