
I was undecided about going to the office today, but I went.  Unlike yesterday, it was empty today.  There was just me and one other colleague and two of our bosses.  I should probably have worked from home.
I had time to catch up with a load of things and then to start on a piece of work that has been hanging over me all week.  Meanwhile something else was kicking off.  I wasn’t involved, but got pulled in, just as I was about to head off home.  That delayed my departure.
When I eventually got home TT was cooking and BB was at football training.  He had had rugby training earlier, and had come home with a muscle strain.  He had struggled at football and didn’t last the whole session.  TT went to pick him up.  He came straight home and put an ice pack on.  His aim is to be fit for a week on Saturday, his next rugby game – he’s not fussed about his football match this coming Saturday.
I walked over Calton Hill at lunchtime.  This magpie was scraping about in the undergrowth at the side of the path and was not worried about me I the slightest.  He just kept searching for whatever he was looking for.

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