
It was a really lovely morning, bright and frosty.  I had to do a couple of work things, thankfully they didn’t take me too long.  I logged off before any of my colleagues were online.  I then put the washing machine on and headed out for a very quick walk – my warm up walk.  It was then back home and ouot for a run.  It was such a lovely morning. Unlike last Friday morning,  I really enjoyed my run today  – I ran just over four miles.  
It was then back home to hang the washing out, put more on, do a few chores and then to pop out to pick up some lunch.  I’ve not bought a Friday lunch for a ages, so it felt like a real treat – which I thoroughly enjoyed.  BB seemed to enjoy his, but he has been short on chat today.
Later in the afternoon I went for a wee walk to stretch off my legs, stopping to pick up some provisions for tea on my way back.  There were then more chores.  TT was playing football and BB was annoying me a lot as he has mostly just been lying on the sofa since he came home from school, which was late morning.  Thankfully tea was quick – fish fingers sandwiches, salad and chips.  It was very well received.
TT and I then sat down to watch something.  We ended up watching Local Hero – his choice, and then randomly Moonstruck- which I had seen years ago.  We ended up going to bed far too late.
These blackthorn buds are looking ready to burst into flower.

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