
I had to be at the office early today, and typically my bus was running late.  I had to meet a new member of staff,  He was already there, but don’t think he had been waiting too long.  I then had to turn something around quickly before we headed out for a team breakfast.  Our usual venue (Dishoom) wasn’t available, so we went elsewhere.  We all had a lovely breakfast, and it was really nice to get everyone together.  All too soon, we were heading back to the office.
It was a busy day in the office, with lots of colleagues in today.  It felt almost like the old days.  It was great to catch up with colleagues, and there was a real buzz about the office.  Even though I didn’t have a massive breakfast, I didn’t feel like I needed any lunch at lunchtime.  I worked through lunch and then escaped for some fresh air in the middle of the afternoon. I snacked when I got back to the office – but didn’t eat anything sensible.
My journey home was rather fast this evening, as my bus driver wanted to avoid a diversion that was due to come into being at I know not when.
Just as I was going to bed BB declared that he needed something for school tomorrow.  Too late, I was off to bed.
I walked past this blossom in Princes Street Gardens this afternoon.

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