
Finally we have arrived in March.. I think my year will start again from here! 
It has been a bright and breezy day with huge downpours both of rain and hail which turned all the rooves and cars white in a matter of minutes several times today.  I took a turn around the garden for the first time in a few day (no sewing today) and noticed the crocus which are plentiful but it was clearly too cold for them to open up their petals today.. I originally planted them on one side of the oak tree but today I see that 15 feet away there are more coming up.. I wonder if that is thanks to the squirrel shifting the bulbs around while burying and finding his acorns. I am delighted as they are such sweet little delicate flowers that are a joy to behold.  The extra was a moss and lichen garden growing on the lower limb of the oak tree.. it supports so many plants and creatures within its framework.. lovely!

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