James Clerk Maxwell

I worked in the office today.  We left the house in daylight this morning, which is much better than leaving in the dark. 
The office was quiet today, which should have given me plenty of opportunity to get on with a few things, but alas, I had a morning of back to back meetings, followed by a very quick break to grab some lunch, then back to meetings. A meeting was then cancelled in the early afternoon, so I took the opportunity to pop out for some fresh air.  It was sunny and showery.   
I worked late this evening to finish a piece of work – a report written by a colleague, which needed some input from me.  It was like wading through treacle.  My input may be more about editing and  formatting than content – but hopefully it will make it easier to read.  An urgent request came in very late.  I will have to pick it up first thing in the morning, as I hadn’t the capacity (or time) to be bothered with it this evening.
TT was just dishing up tea when I got home – which was excellent timing.
The evening just disappeared.
This statue is of James Clark Maxwell, with a very faint rainbow in the sky above.  The frieze is on the Standard Life Building in George Street.

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